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How much does the average person move houses?

Published by Chris Townsend

How much does the average person move houses?

While the exact frequency of how often the average person moves houses varies based on several factors, it's estimated that an individual might move approximately 11 times in their lifetime. However, moving a house typically ranges from $12 to $16 per square foot, with the total expenses averaging between $18,000 to $40,000, contingent on the home's size, weight, and relocation distance.

Relocating residences is a common phenomenon, deeply influenced by various personal, social, and economic factors. From the allure of new opportunities to the necessities of one's occupation, the reasons for moving are as diverse as they are numerous. Delving into the intricacies of residential mobility can provide valuable insights into the patterns and motivations behind these decisions.

Examining the Factors that Influence Moving Frequency

Several interconnected factors affect residential mobility frequency. One factor is socioeconomic status. Income often increases residential mobility. They can afford to move to suit their lifestyle or job. Conversely, low-income people may move less often due to financial constraints.

Personal circumstances like family size, marital status, and age affect residential mobility. Larger families may prefer suburban or rural areas with more spacious homes. However, singles or young couples may prefer city living for convenience and amenities. Older adults may downsize or move closer to services or family. These cases show that residential mobility patterns vary as much as their causes.

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The Impact of Age on Moving Frequency

Age greatly affects residential mobility. Research suggests that younger people, especially those in their 20s and 30s, move more often. Attending college, starting a career, or having a family can explain this trend. People move during these stages to find better education, jobs, or a good place to raise a family.

However, residential moves decrease with age. Late 30s, 40s, and 50s, residents move less than younger residents. Aging's stability reduces the moving frequency. With established careers, settled families, and home ownership, these individuals become more attached to their homes, reducing the need for frequent relocation.

The Role of Occupation in Residential Mobility

The spectrum of professions dictates the need for individuals to either root deeply or switch locations frequently. Understandably, the residential mobility of a construction worker contrasts vividly with that of a government official who needs to settle in one location. Job responsibilities, for example, assignments, client locations, and work flexibility affect residential stability. It also influences the choice of place, proximity to work, and nature of the accommodations. These aspects inevitably influence an individual's moving frequency and cite the critical role that occupation plays in residential mobility.

On the one hand, many jobs necessitate constant traveling or periodic changing of the station. Military personnel, construction contractors, and some corporate positions fall into this category. These roles may require individuals to alter their residences quite frequently, thereby leading to high residential mobility. On the other hand, occupations like teaching, healthcare, and other localized services often demand professionals to root themselves in a community. Such jobs usually equate to lower residential mobility as they provide an impetus for long-term settlement. Through these, it is clear to see that one's occupation significantly influences the pattern and frequency of residential movement.

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Chris Townsend is a moving professional and relocation expert that has more than 10 years of experience in the moving industry. With a background that includes working in virtually every aspect of the company, he has distinguished himself as an integral part of our operations with expertise in all things related to moving. Chris has a keen eye for detail and brings intelligence and passion to every project he’s involved with.

While getting his degree in communications from Santa Clara University, Chris started out with the company working in the field as part of our team of professional moving associates. Following graduation, he was promoted to our main office, where he has thrived in a role that involves increasing responsibility and requires him to wear many different hats. Some days, you may find him answering the phone and providing moving estimates, others he may be writing for our moving blog, and another day he may be coordinating a large corporate moving job or helping us with our marketing efforts. Chris has authored many of our in-depth moving guides, as well as provided our clients with information and advice to handle the complexities of their upcoming moving plans. Simply put, there’s nothing he can’t do and we wouldn’t be where we are today without him.

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