Gadgets That Clean Your House For You
Published by Chris Townsend

Gadgets That Clean Your House For You
Cleaning is one of those tasks that most people don’t enjoy, but it’s a necessary part of maintaining a clean home so we have to do it. But did you know there are several technological gadgets that can do a lot of the work for you? That’s right, we now live in an age of “set it and forget” cleaning devices that free you up to do other things with your time while your house is cleaned for you. Here are some of the best devices currently on the market.
Robot Vacuum
The robot vacuum, made popular by the Roomba brand, is one of the best cleaning gadgets available and definitely one that can save you a lot of time. Robot vacuums have developed to the point that they’re capable of avoiding obstacles on the floor such as electric cords, while still making sure they cover the entire area that needs cleaning. Some can be controlled through your phone, which means they can clean even when you’re away or target specific areas for you as they map out your home with each usage. If you really want to avoid cleaning your floors, there are even robot vacuums that can do the mopping for you too!

Automatic Window Cleaner
Window cleaning is another chore you can cross off your list if you want to thanks to automatic window cleaners. You simply attach the device to your window and let it go to work. It can work on its own as it detects window edges, or it can be controlled remotely if you want it to clean in a specific path. The nice thing about automatic window cleaners is that almost all of them also work on walls and tables and do a pretty good job of covering and cleaning the entire space. They’re outfitted with strong suction to keep them attached while cleaning and they also come equipped with safety features that guard against falling or alert you when running out of power.
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Self-cleaning Litter Box
If you have cats, you already know how often you need to clean the litter box for them and eliminating a regular chore like this is a real treat. Automatic or self-cleaning litter boxes work by detecting when the box has been used and then immediately cleaning it up and storing the waste in an area that can be easily disposed of by sliding it out and emptying it. That means no more scooping for you and your feline friends will always have a clean space to go to the bathroom, not to mention that these devices drastically reduce or completely eliminate odor.

Microwave Cleaner
One of the most affordable and easy to use items on this list, microwave cleaners can be found for under $10, and steam cleans your microwave in a matter of minutes. You still have to do some minimal work like wiping up crumbs before use, but after that it’s a walk in the park. Most of them work by adding vinegar and water and then microwaving the cleaner for five to seven minutes. These little magic wonders steam up and provide a thorough cleaning of the inside of your microwave with little to no elbow grease required (you may have to wipe up after if you have any stubborn patches).
Automatic Carpet Cleaner
There are some automatic carpet cleaners that work like a Roomba, but in our experience, they don’t do a terrific job on their own so the term “automatic” may be misleading here. What you can find on the market, however, are carpet cleaners that eliminate the work of managing chemicals or require a big, bulky machine to do a good job. Many of the best modern carpet cleaners and lightweight and have premade mixtures that you simply slip in and go to work just like a vacuum cleaner.