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Columbia Full Service Movers Near Me

Published by Chris Townsend

Columbia Full Service Movers Near Me

Full Service Moving Company Columbia, MO

Three Movers is the best full-service moving company in Columbia for your relocation needs. With our team of professionals, you get all the benefits you want and we work hard so you don't have to. Our movers know how to make your relocation as seamless as possible.

A full-service cheap move will make things much easier when you simply don't have time to do the work yourself. Of course, you can also do the packing and unpacking yourself if you prefer. Our team will help you customize your move to fit your needs and your budget.

Pros & Cons of Hiring a Full-Service Moving Company

As with anything else, full-service moves have advantages and disadvantages. When deciding which services are right for you, take a look at what you get and how much it costs.

It's possible to have professionals disassemble your furniture or just pack up your home when you use a full-service mover in Columbia. This service can be very valuable if you don’t have a lot of time to do the work yourself.

In addition to saving time, a full-service moving company will provide you with peace of mind. When professionals handle all the hard work for you, you will save time and know things will be done correctly. If you are unable to handle the many tasks involved with moving yourself, this is particularly beneficial.

There are many benefits to this type of move, and only one con, which is the higher cost. Compared to hiring professionals for a basic move or doing all the work yourself, a full-service move will moving cost more.

Full Service Moving Quotes Columbia, MO

We Offer Full-Service Moves that Include:

  • Packing and Unpacking
  • Furniture Disassembly
  • Furniture Re-assembly
  • Loading and Unloading
  • Electronics Packing
  • Transport
  • Waste Disposal
  • Storage Services
  • Car Shipping

Hire our full-service movers in Columbia today, and we'll assist you every step of the way.

How is the Cost of a Full-Service Move in Columbia Determined?

When looking for a Columbia full-service moving company, it's important to determine how much it will cost. Make sure this type of service fits your budget.

Moving costs vary depending on the services you select, how far you need to go, and what you plan to move. Moving farther will cost more than moving closer.

You may also have to pay extra for storage, commercial moving insurance, and specialty services, such as moving a heavy item or specialty packing.

Home-Based Estimate

If you request an in-home moving quote for your full-service move, a professional mover will visit your home to assess what needs to be moved and what needs to be packed. You will be able to get a quote that is far more accurate than trying to estimate the costs over the phone or online.

Considering the Distance

In general, longer moves cost more. However, the method by which the cost is calculated depends on how far you need to move. Any move of 100 miles or more will be considered a long-distance move, and the cost will be based on the weight or size of the items.

A local move's price depends on how many movers are needed and how long it will take to complete the move from one location to another.

Safe Full Service Movers Near Me Columbia, MO

How Much Time Is Needed to Complete a Full-Service Move?

The cost of a full-service move in Columbia is important to get, but you also want to know how long it will take to complete this type of move. It takes a lot longer than one day for professional movers to complete the process unless the move is small.

Home Inventory

Your professional movers will be able to estimate the time it will take to complete your move based on an inventory. When using these kinds of services, a home inventory will help you predict the time. A full-service move will take more time than a move without packing and disassembly of furniture.

Packing You Up Fast

The packing process can be done quickly with our professional packers. We provide the right crew size to complete the job in a short period of time.

Things To Consider When Hiring a Moving Company In Columbia

It is not difficult to find a full-service moving company in Columbia online. Read reviews to determine the company's reputation and check for licenses and insurance. Of course, you should also ensure the company offers the services you require.

We offer full-service moving in Columbia, so if you're looking for movers, we're the right team for you. Call us today!

Full Service Moving Companies Rates Columbia, MO

Chris Townsend is a moving professional and relocation expert that has more than 10 years of experience in the moving industry. With a background that includes working in virtually every aspect of the company, he has distinguished himself as an integral part of our operations with expertise in all things related to moving. Chris has a keen eye for detail and brings intelligence and passion to every project he’s involved with.

While getting his degree in communications from Santa Clara University, Chris started out with the company working in the field as part of our team of professional moving associates. Following graduation, he was promoted to our main office, where he has thrived in a role that involves increasing responsibility and requires him to wear many different hats. Some days, you may find him answering the phone and providing moving estimates, others he may be writing for our moving blog, and another day he may be coordinating a large corporate moving job or helping us with our marketing efforts. Chris has authored many of our in-depth moving guides, as well as provided our clients with information and advice to handle the complexities of their upcoming moving plans. Simply put, there’s nothing he can’t do and we wouldn’t be where we are today without him.

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